Mojo at Home Sperm Test


A sperm analysis should test:

• Volume of semen

• Quantity of sperm (concentration and total number of spermatozoa)

• Motility: how efficiently and how fast sperm move

A good sperm analysis is not a direct test of fertility, it provides guidance to the chance of having a baby and can be a starting point for further investigation; achieving a pregnancy remains possible even for those with severe deficits.

If the Mojo at-home sperm test detects abnormalities, our fertility experts will assist you in pinpointing the underlying problem and provide personalised advice to help improve your sperm quality.

You buy your test and we place your order with the lab. A test gets sent directly to your home address, you follow the instructions in the kit including scaning the QR code to arrange for your sample to be collected. Once your sample has been collected results will be emailed to you in 48hours. You can then arrange a free consultation with the company to discuss your results or discuss them here in clinic with your practitioner.

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